Legal Note

Legal Note and Conditions of Use

1. Identification of the holder of the domain

In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, find the following data published below.

The owner of this website is: FUNDACIÓN FLS DE LUCHA CONTRA EL SIDA, LAS ENFERMEDADES INFECCIOSAS Y LA PROMOCIÓN DE LA SALUD Y LA CIENCIA (“FLS Foundation”) with address in Badalona (08916), Ctra. de Canyet s/n – Hosp . Univ. Germans Trias i Pujol, 2nd floor Maternal, with CIF number: G60182821, registered in the Register of Foundations of the Generalitat with number 667.

  • Contact phone: 934.657.897
  • Contact email:

The medical professionals who work at the FLS Foundation are members of the Barcelona College of Physicians, which is governed by its own code of ethics, which can be consulted at the following link:

2. Condition of the use of the web

A user will be understood as the person who accesses and makes use of this website. The user by the mere fact of being accepts these conditions of use.

The user assumes responsibility for the use that he may make of this website. This responsibility extends to the registration that is necessary to access certain services and content. The user will be responsible for providing truthful and lawful information in the registration process.

The user undertakes to make appropriate use of the contents and services that the FLS Foundation offers through this website and, by way of example but not limitation, not to use them to:

  • Causing damage to the physical and logical systems of the FLS Foundation, its suppliers or third parties, introducing or spreading computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause the aforementioned damage.
  • Attempt to access and, where appropriate, use the email accounts of other users and modify or manipulate their messages. The publication in our web spaces of content that violates the principles listed below is prohibited, reserving the domain titles the exercise of as many actions as may be appropriate in law against those responsible for its publication.
  • Safeguarding public order, criminal investigation, public security and national defense.
  • The protection of public health or natural persons who have the status of consumers or users.
  • Respect for the dignity of the person and the principle of non-discrimination for reasons of race, sex, opinion, nationality, disability or any other personal or social circumstance.
  • The protection of youth and childhood.
  • Respect for the autonomy of the affected person’s will.
  • Respect for the intellectual property of what is published.
  • In general, respect for the current legislation.

The FLS Foundation reserves the right to withdraw all those comments and contributions that violate respect for the dignity of the person, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that attempt against youth or childhood, order or public security, or that, in its judgment, were not suitable for publication.

In any case, the owner of the domain will be responsible for the opinions expressed by users through forums, chats, or other participation tools that may be incorporated into this website.

2.1. Use of Passwords

To access specific content, a user code and a password must be included.

We inform you that passwords are personal and non-transferable. The user is solely responsible for the consequences that may arise from the use of their password.

For any incident with passwords, you can contact

3. Intellectual and Industrial Property

The FLS Foundation is the owner of all the intellectual and industrial property rights of its web pages, as well as of all its content, for which all reproduction, distribution and total or partial public communication of its content is expressly prohibited without express authorization of the owner.

4. Responsability

The owner of the domain will not be responsible for damages that may arise from telephone interference or breakdowns, disconnections in the electronic system, the presence of computer viruses, malicious programs or any other factor beyond its control.

It will also not be responsible for the contents or systems of third parties connected to its domain.

The FLS Foundation reserves the exercise of the corresponding legal actions against those who violate these conditions.

5. Modifications of the present conditions and validity

The FLS Foundation may modify these conditions at any time, without prior notice, publishing its modifications as they appear here. Once modified, these conditions will cease to be valid and will be replaced by their modification.

6. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The relationship between FLS Foundation and the user will be governed by current Spanish regulations and any dispute will be submitted to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Barcelona.

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